Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
'Tomorrow when the war began'
My new way of life is moving forward.
Friday, August 27, 2010
CSO Graduation
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Whistling Kite
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Overall, it was a fantastic day...
Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010
Harbour town
Friday, June 11, 2010
Busy Bees...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Working Class Gal !!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Visitor's YAY!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
THE house...
Lounge room.
We then moved onto putting the bed together, man that took a while because for some reason one side just wouldn't match up. But after much frustration from both parties the bed was finally together (Ben got it in the end). We then moved the bedside tables in place and put the suitcases and portarobe in the closet (out of the way temporarily).
Ben then decided he would sit and play wow (He deserved it, He worked hard). So while he was doing that I put all the kitchen utensils, crockery, etc away and I also set up the washing machine by myself (ben had to help with the hose, getting it out of the back of the machine :P). I also put all the cds, dvds and Wii stuff in the enertainment unit (also setting up the stereo, tv and dvd player).
Kitchen (dont look at the dirty frypan)
The spare room (at the moment)
I cooked our first HOME cooked meal (Mash, peas, corn and Fish fingers haha). We had to makeshift placemats with folded up paper but it was a good first day and the night was great. I was able to go straight to sleep, no struggling to get to sleep tossing and turning. I woke up refreshed with a weird dream that I told mum on the phone. Which I had to end so that I could go get dressed, etc and go grocery shopping (only small). I came back put everything away and put on our first load of washing on in our new washing machine and vaccumed because the removalist put dirt everywhere. I cleaned our filthy glass entertainment unit, hung the washing out then put my feet up and watch a movie (I couldn't watch tv because we don't have an antenna cable yet :P).
Monday, April 26, 2010
ANZAC Weekend
After a long saturday, going from phone call to phone call setting everything up, we decided we would have a quiet night in watching movies AND an early night for the ANZAC day march in rockingham sunday morning.
So sunday morning I went down to the street the march off was in and met up with benny and his group, we stood around talking for a while until he had to fall in. I then walked up to the end of the street as they organised themselves. As I stood on a corner waiting for the march to start, I got involved in a conversation with a little old lady, her daughter (a pre-school teacher) and her daughter-in-law. The lady's husband was in the march with her father and her young grandaughter (Lulu). She was originally from NSW and moved here when her daughter was 10 (which was about 15 years ago). They were so nice and welcoming. After all of the groups marched passed I headed over to the oval where the speeches were being held.
Ben Marching
The lollipop express with march participants
There were so many different groups in the march I decided to just put up certain ones instead of having all these photos.
After the ANZAC service was finished Ben and I got some subway for lunch then headed back to the hotel, where ben spent almost 2 hours with Bigpond technical support trying to fix our net AGAIN... they endeed up having to put him through to some American guy. BUT it is all fixed now and our net is finally fully working YAY!!!.
Ben after coming back from Subway
Ben and I after Subway
We were going to go to the movies and see clash of the titans that night but instead we stayed in and went to bed early, after calling mum seeing what was wrong and having a good old laugh. We are so worried about her, but we love her and know that she will get through it. We actually ended up playing Heroes of might and magic before actually going to bed haha.
Monday morning came with Bacon and Egg toasted sandwhiches in bed ( I made them of course and Ben had them in bed...I joined hehe). He left an hour or so after to go for duty and when he got back we hired some Blockbuster movies. We then sat and watched 'Green Street Hooligans' it was quite a good movie. Has alot of action in it and is a little sad at the end.... But there is a sequal so I am going to watch that tomorrow as ben had to leave to go back to base.
So now I'm on my own again and there is only 4 days or 3 and a bit days until we are finally in our house YAY!!! It will be so good, we will have all of our stuff and Ben will be able to stay home. I'M LOVING IT!!!!