On Wednesday this week we had our first visitor... Yay!!! Although this visitor was not the type of visitor you would have expected.

It was a gorgeous ginger cat.. He had no collar or tag so I didn't know where abouts it lived or its name. So I just stood around watching it because I was majorly bored and loved the company. He was so affectionate and was continuously trying to get in the door but I wouldn't let him inside :(. He was constantly meowing and sticking its head through the security door, was so adorable. We decided to call him Muppet.

Muppet trying to get through the security door.
This was one of the nights that Ben didn't come home at all this week (Wednesday and Thursday) because his bike got hit on Tuesday night. but it is all fixed now with my help so now he is able to come home every night again woohoo.
Saturday we had Bec, Jess, Rhiannon, Liam, Aaron, Brett and Nick (Navy Peeps) over for lunch. We cooked up a lovely chicken pasta bake with Garlic bread and Salad sides.. We also had pretzels, S&V chips, cheese, crackers and salami out when they arrived. It was quite a good day, Ben and I were pretty organised in the morning preparing everything, so the day just flowed on. We tossed the footy round out the back and played the Wii for a while, all the time just chatting away. The best part yet was that there wasn't much to clean up YAY!!!
Ben stirring the pasta.
Table set up (we had doily's as makeshift place mats :P)
All the dishes we had after having 7 people over.
(Not much ha?)
Dude, what an ugly cat. Mine's cuter.