Saturday, December 10, 2011

Beach anyone?

Anyone fancy a trip to the beach?
A month or so ago I took a trip to the beach with some friends and Sasha (my puppy). She was alright at the start until the waves started coming then it looked like I had gone 10 rounds with a tiger. I had scratches running down my entire abdomen (starting at the top down to the bottom... Kinda looked like I had hell bad stretch marks covering my stomach). I had scratches to the top of my chest, down the length of my arms, behind my shoulder and on the tops of my thighs down to my knees. Yep you guessed it I looked pretty bad.
After that traumatic event I didn't take her to the beach again. That was until I took her for a walk with a mate the other day and ended up heading towards the beach, I thought I would give it another try (hell I wasn't dressed to go in the water so it didn't matter). We were walking along the sand and I just inched closer to the water. She ran to it, chasing the waves and loving it so much. I am so glad she did too because that means I am able to go to the beach more often as I won't be completely alone :).

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Veggies anyone??

Over the past month or so I have been building a vegie box. And yes I said Building. I sanded all the treated pine down so that I didn't get splinters or anything and so it was easier to paint (which I also did).I then screwed all the sides together and put tarp down at the bottom so that all the soil wasn't over the brick pavers outside. I was going to paint it black with bright colours swirled through it but decided that I would just stick to black. The painting was the part that took me the longest as I had to do one side at a time as I couldn't have it laid out properly as sasha would go and investigate and get paint all over herself. In the end she did investigate and decided she would sleep in it (wish I got a photo of that). Once it was all painted I placed it in the desired spot outside and left it for a couple of weeks because I needed to buy soil and vegies. Which I did thursday. I bought 5 big bags of soil and that only filled it half way, so had to wait until today till I could go and buy another 5 bags. Now it is all finished and all my vegies and fruit are planted :) Oh I also had to go out and buy a wooden play pen to put around it because Sasha decided it would be awesome to dig. Lucky she decided that when there was only half the soil in there and no vegies otherwise she would be in big trouble. 

My built Vegie Box (no soil).

Sasha Slinking away after I caught her digging.

Vegie Box Half filled.

Finished Vegie Box.

Finshed Vegie Box with playpen to stop Sasha's Mischievous escapades.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Talented Much

I decided I would experiment. So I peeled the shell off a raw egg. Here are the before and after photos.

Here is the egg before

Here is the egg after I peeled it.

Aren't I so talented. I am guessing you are all wondering how I did it without the egg being boiled??
Well You will just have to wait for my next blog post to find out. hahahahaha

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today's society

WHAT IS GOING ON WITH TODAY'S SOCIETY??? Really I want to know. 

You are probably wondering why I want to know this, actually when I think about it I don't think you are. Everyone can see that today's society has gone to shit (excuse the language). There are more homeless people today than there was 10 years ago, victims of crime are on the rise, alcohol and drug use is becoming too common and too easy to obtain and obesity is just getting out of hand. These are just a few things that are nationally recognised there are more. There are even some that people may seem as minor, but minor situations or problems can and most likely will escalate. For example children's mannerism's have been thrown out the door, their language is atrocious and respect is just not even factored in. What is going on??

I really should actually tell you what got me on this rant, so here goes....

As you may very well know I work in a child care centre, and I see children come and go everyday. Each child is different but they all learn from their parents and I was really traumatised by a conversation I had with one of the 3-4 year old boys. For this recollection I am going to call him X (as I cannot tell you his name).

We were outside on a beautiful sunny afternoon. I was sitting on the edge of the sandpit with a group of children digging a tunnel through the sand. At one point during this time sand was flicked up onto my shoe. I looked at the children and said "Oh no, my shoe is broken and sand is getting in."
X looked up at me and said "Don't worry when I grow up I may be able to to fix it."
I looked at him and asked "Why when you grow up? what are you going to be?"
X replied " Because I will be a Bloker."
One of the 5 year old girls sitting next to me asked X "What's a Bloker?"
X told her "It's a grown up that smokes."
I was shoked. So I asked him "Why do you want to be (as he put it) a Bloker?"
"Because I want to smoke and when I am a grown up I am going to smoke." X replied.
I was completely flabbergasted that a 4 year old boy wanted to smoke. So I told him that it smoking was bad for you and would make you sick.
He just looked at me and told me "But Jason smokes."
I asked him who Jason was, turns out it was one of his dads.
I really didn't know what to tell this kid, I was completely distressed by this.

Seriously what are parents teaching their children? Obviously not much. I come to work everyday and children have no manners, are constantly swearing, using blocks as guns, pretending they have beer in their cups when playing in the home corner and wanting to smoke.

I really want to know what has happened to people. Parents should be teaching their children wrong from right and setting a good example after all you are a role model to your children. Children copy what they see and hear this is how they learn, and if parents aren't going to filter what they say or do in front of their children they really shouldn't have children, especially if they aren't talking to their children and explaining that what they heard was naughty and mummy and daddy shouldn't say or do those things etc, etc. This only makes the teacher's job more complicated, because not only do we have to teach them the basic literacy and numeracy skills we also have to teach them basic mannerisms and behaviour.

I am so sorry now I am just ranting on (arghhh I am being my sister hahah).
Anyway I hope that you take on board what you have read here today and encourage others to help teach our children :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Battered and Bruised

3 days ago Sasha went in for a routine operation (De-sex). She came home really groggy as she was still coming off of the anesthetic. So we put a soft blanket down for her and she stayed there most of the night, resting and recovering.
The next day we woke to the bounding happy little Sasha we all know and love. She was very good that day playing nicely and walking around properly. It was such a relief to see her up and about so quickly. Usually when we get up of a morning Sasha (as most puppies) would get up and follow you around, check out what your doing and try to eat your food.
But Thursday when we woke up she wasn't doing any of these things. She just laid on the bed and watched us. The first thing I thought was that she is acting weird. But I just let it pass as I had to go to work. That night she just laid on her bed and didn't move around much. I was still thinking this is not normal.
Friday morning we got up really early for Ben to be at work for Duty muster, we were there for about an hour. When we came home she didn't come to the garage door like usual to greet us and when I picked her up to cuddle her I noticed that around her stitches was really red and raised. So I rushed her down to the vet because that just isn't supposed to happen. The vet had a quick look and said she just had a reaction and put an Elizabethan collar on her so she couldn't lick them anymore. About 2 hours later we noticed that the redness had gotten worse and the swelling had increased, So we rushed her down to the vet again this time the vet took a while with her and came out with a handful of medication. He said she has had a bad reaction to the stitches and gave us Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory tablets to help the wound go down and heal properly.
I went out shopping with a friend for a friends birthday after that for a couple of hours and on the way home I get a call from Ben asking me where I was because Sasha's wound was weeping a Brownish liquid. So I rush home to pick them up and take them down to the vets for a third time that day. We were there for an hour and a half almost 2 hours. The vet said it was pussy which meant infection. He then took her out the back to open her up again to check the stitching on the inside. He came back out later saying he took out most of the stitches and out dressing on it. Now we have to go to the vets daily for check ups on it. She is still on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory tablets and is really not well.

Saturday we took her in for her check up to see how her wound is healing. And it turns out she had a reaction to the adhesive on the dressing they put over her injury friday night. So they had to take that off (and it hurt her, I heard her yelp it was really bad). They then had use something without adhesive to cover her wound, which was a non-adhesive bandage with some gauze underneath. Since her dressing has been changed she has been a lot happier and is back to her usual self. SHE is NOW able to WALK PROPERLY again Yay.

Sasha on Tuesday when we first
brought her home after surgery.

Sasha on Friday with her Elizabethan collar.
(after round 1 at the vets).

Sasha after her visit to the vet on Saturday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I have been going through my wardrobe and realised I own a lot of hoodies and jeans and runners. A few weeks ago I went and bought myself some new shoes and today decided I would experiment with my outfit. So instead of wearing flats like I ALWAYS DO I went with my new heels (or wedges what ever you like to call them... Heels to me haha). As most of you will know I don't go well with heels, hence the reason I now only own two pairs. I am a pretty big klutz in them. But I can actually walk in these and they are tight so my feet don't keep slipping out either. So I am pretty happy to present a different version of me... One that never actually shows itself. This is the GIRLY me. The me I intend to show a lot more of as I like it. Including wearing more dresses. hahaha I know right me in a dress you would have to be going insane to ever think of seeing me in a dress other than very formal occasions... Well WELCOME the NEW ME!!! :)

I know this photo isn't really girly girly but hey me in heels and all pretty and stuff well that's a sight to see.

Well just Keep watch for the Dress version :P You will be just as surprised as me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ballet Revolución

Last night I went to the Regal theatre in Perth to see Ballet Revolución with a couple of my girls. We kind of got lost on the way there because we had to pick Jess' sister-in-law up, and Jess' Navman wouldn't play nicely. Once we finally got there, it was all worth it. The show was AMAZING!!! It is really hard to describe how it was so good, but I was transfixed. And not because there was gorgeous male torso haha. The dance was really good. It was a mix of ballet contemporary and Hip-Hop. The way each dancer moved was incredible. I was just mesmerized and intrigued the whole way through. I am speechless. I can't describe the experience. But I recommend going to see it. I really do. It is SPECTACULAR!!!

This photo was not taken from me it was taken from the Ballet Revolución website, But I wanted to show you a little piece of what I saw last night.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hurts just as much the second time around.

I know it has been a very long time since I have written on here. I have been getting a lot more shifts at work and was going to the gym nearly everyday, so was a bit worn out.
As most of you know Ben has been away for 76 Days now, sad I know. But he came home on Saturday for 3 days. So that was really good, we went to see some movies and went out for lunch. It was good to be able to wrap my arms around him again. But alas the visit was short lived as He had to fly back today. Even though the time was short it was still worth it. Having to say goodbye again hurt pretty bad but not as bad as the first time he left because I know there is only 30 days until I see his face again.

Well just thought I would update everyone seen as I haven't done it in a while. I will write soon I promise.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I got asked yesterday by one of the two year olds at work if I had a baby in my tummy.
I don't know what to think of that. Is he thinking I have a baby in there because I have a fat belly or just asking because he thinks that we all do. Due to having so many staff and parents being pregnant.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A time for learning and A time for change

As of the 8th of May Sasha has been attending Puppy Pre-school.
On her first day she took a little while before she would interact with the other puppies, but once she knew they weren't going to hurt her she was very playful and active. There is a four month old Maltese puppy (Chrissy), a Chihuahua X Jack Russell puppy (Mandy), a Mastiff puppy (Hunter) and two Maltese X ShitZhu X Jack Russell Puppies (Leo and Scout). In fact Leo and Scout are Sasha's brothers. During the first session Sasha and Hunter spent majority of the time chasing each other around and kissing under the chairs. Was very cute and they continued their little love fest at the second session, full on shoving her mouth in his haha they really needed some privacy. Seriously a mother does not want to watch her daughter do that :P.
The first command that they learnt was Sit. Sasha had already been doing a good job of this command at home (After all she has to sit to get her food). But during pre-school she was more interested in getting the treat than listening, but she did listen occasionally which was good. Although when they learnt the second command Sasha didn't want a bar of it. The next command was Drop/ Lay and all she would do was sit and then scoot her bum backwards so that she could have access to the treat. Annoying little brat not listening to mummy. Hopefully next week she will be better. I think the next command is Come.

Hunter and Sasha during their make-out session :P

Today the Hydro Dog lady came to give Sasha her first Hair Cut. But little wriggle worm would not sit still. She did alright though she didn't whine when the clippers were on and even though she kept trying to eat the scissors and get away to look outside, she was fairly good. When it cam to the Bath though she was a complete sook, whining and trying to get out. Well actually she wasn't trying to get out she succeeded three times soap and all lol. Cheeky little bugger. But now she smells absolutely beautiful, and is a little less fluffbally. I mean don't get me wrong she needed the cut but I wish it wasn't so short, I MISS MY FLUFFBALL :(

My little fluffball BEFORE

After :(

After :(

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As you know Ben has been away for a week now. At first I was pretty devastated and was a complete mess, But since my last post I have received countless emails from him which havelifted my spirits and helped me move forward and be happy. He is due to arrive in sydney on the 10th of May which will be when I will be able to talk to him on the phone (thank goodness). But to my surprise today, I arrived home from work to a bouquet of red roses, a gorgeous teddy bear, a box of chocolates and a card saying:
" To my wonderful partner, with whom the world wouldn't be the same without. I love you with every beat of my heart and even though seas may part us, I long for the day when I can once again wrap my arms around you and truly know you are safe. Xoxox "
I believe I am the happiest and luckiest woman in the world right now, because I have the most amazing and wonderful boyfriend on the planet :D. I miss him so much and wish him the best for his time at sea.

I LOVE YOU with all my heart and soul Ben and will forever and ever. Stay safe and Know that I will be waiting for you when you return.
Xoxo <3 <3 <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.

Now if you've been on my facebook lately you would know that ben went to sea yesterday on his way to hawaii. It was so hard to see him go, but even harder to come home to an empty house and bed. Without my family near me to support me isn't helping me get through this and I am finding it hard not to cry all the time. Being on the other side of the country to your family and close friends with a limited amount of people that you know makes living all day to day things difficult. It gets so lonely at night and I wish I had someone I could just hug and make everything alright.
I miss him so much and I want my mum to be here with me she knows what I am going through and I need her right now. But with her over in Melbourne and I in Perth I don't see that happening. Life just isn't the same when he is at sea, and I cannot wait for the day when he won't have to.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Training Takes Time

When you hear the word training, what is the first thing that your mind thinks of?
Wow, where did that donut come from around my waist... Think I need to work it off.
Man I can't even do a lap of the footy oval... Think I need to get fit.
Work, work, work... I don't have the time to train.
I need more training for the job I want.
or do you think Can't be bothered, Too hot, Too cold, Too busy or I don't need to.

What do you need to train for?
A marathon,
A charity race,
Sports event,
A specific job,
A dance recital.

But does your mind think of Toilet training/ House training?
Toilet training Children takes a lot of work, with getting them used to sitting on the toilet during nappy changes and then learning from the accidents that happen, knowing that the feeling of warm urine running down their leg is not a good thing.
Puppy toilet training is pretty much taking them outside and just standing with them until they go and then praising them and/or giving them a treat. This is the frustrating part, other than their accidents inside, having to wait around until they do something take a bit of time; sometimes time that you don't have.

3 Weeks ago we bought a maltese shitzu puppy. Sasha is grasping the term Sit but still hasn't got a hold on the toilet training yet. At first I thought she didn't want to go outside but later found out it wasn't that, because she walks out by herself all the time. So now I just have to wait and hope TIME works it out. So here is a couple of photos to keep you entertained.

Sasha when we first brought her home.

Just after having her lunch

Coming to see what I am up to

Snuggling up to me whilst watching TV

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday To me
Happy Birthday To me
Happy Birth-day Toooo meee
Happy Birthday To me

Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray!!!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Driving everyone crazy

Is officially a licensed driver (well Probationary license driver). Took a while but happened in the end and pick our brand new car up on friday. This week has been such a good week even though Ben hasn't been here to enjoy it with me I HAVE BEEN HAPPY!! Got my license, bought a new car and T.V and started back at Uni.

Even though everything is looking up and moving forward gracefully, I can't help be a little down and lonely at night. I have been getting a bit more comfortable with each day that he is gone but that won't make me less frightened by myself. The days are fine it's the nights that are the hardest... I don't have that loving person there keeping me safe. But I have to keep looking up I mean it's not forever, just now.

Just a word of warning everyone needs to either get out of my way or off the roads because I AM COMING!!! :P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Back!!

Wow, it has been so long since I have written on here. I guess I just got caught up with working 3 days a week, Starting Uni back in November and kinda getting snowed under with the work (am a little out of touch with having to study again), Planning our holiday to Melbourne and actually going on it, my Zumba workouts and then in between the housework shopping and log book driving lessons.

Hmm... Getting back into a study routine has been a lot harder than I though it would be. I mean I only had 2 units this study period but I guess my organisational and time management skills need to be nourished a little more. I didn't do so well this time around but this study period I am going to organise my time a lot better.

Our trip to Melbourne was so good, I didn't want to leave. We went bowling a hell of a lot and got to know the neighbours quite well. Seeing family again was so wonderful and wish we didn't live so far away, that way we can visit more often.

Now that I have re-established a relationship with my blog again I shall be back on here more often.